Monday, June 4, 2012

Magnet Experiment

Question: How are magnets affected by other magnets?

Hypothesis: We think the magnets on the floor will move when we swing the round magnet above them.

Equipment: 4 rectangular magnets, 1 round magnet with a hole in the middle, string, paper. 

Method: Place the 4 magnets on the floor. Place the paper on top of the magnets. Tie the string onto the round magnet. Swing the round magnet above the magnets on the floor like a pendulum.

Results: When we swung the round magnet above the magnets on the floor, the first time, it just swung backwards and forwards. When we swung the magnet closer to the other magnets, the round magnet was pulled in different directions.

Conclusion: When the round magnet was swung close to the magnets on the floor it was attracted towards the magnets which made it swing in different directions.

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